Category Archives: News

India’s Top Fighter the Su-30MKI Arrives in Egypt for Drills: Will it Influence Cairo’s Decision to Buy Similarly Capable Jets?

India’s Top Fighter the Su-30MKI Arrives in Egypt for Drills: Will it Influence Cairo’s Decision to Buy Similarly Capable Jets?

On June 26 Su-30MKI heavyweight fighters from the Indian Air Force were confirmed to have arrived in Egypt to participate in a month long tactical leadership program, with the long range aircraft having flown non stop into Africa while refuelling over the Persian Gulf with support of United Arab

U.S. Congress Tries to Block Air Force Plans for 2023 Retirement of F-22 Fighters: This is Why the Pentagon Wants Them Gone

U.S. Congress Tries to Block Air Force Plans for 2023 Retirement of F-22 Fighters: This is Why the Pentagon Wants Them Gone

U.S. Air Force plans to begin retirement of F-22 Raptor fifth generation fighters from service in 2023 have been met with strong opposition from both the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, which have pressed to not only keep the small fleet at full strength but also to invest heavily in

China Has Been Teasing the World’s ‘Top Flanker’ for Years: It Has Finally Entered Production as the J-15B

China Has Been Teasing the World’s ‘Top Flanker’ for Years: It Has Finally Entered Production as the J-15B

 Following the launch on June 17 of China’s first flattop carrier, the warship Fujian estimated to displace over 80,000 tons, new images of the country’s carrier based fighter the J-15B have confirmed longstanding speculation that the aircraft is in fact a navalised derivative of a fighter

The First Chinese Supercarrier ‘Fujian’ Was Just Launched in Shanghai: How is it Different From Other Carriers?

The First Chinese Supercarrier ‘Fujian’ Was Just Launched in Shanghai: How is it Different From Other Carriers?

On June 17 the first Type 003 Class supercarrier was launched at the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai following weeks of anticipation, with the warship estimate to displace between 85,000 and 100,000 tons being by far the largest at sea outside the United States Navy. The ship, named Fujian at the