Monthly Archives: April 2022

Why Iran Isn’t Keen to Replace its Ageing F-4D/E and F-5E Fighters: Preserving Domestic Industry at a High Cost

Why Iran Isn’t Keen to Replace its Ageing F-4D/E and F-5E Fighters: Preserving Domestic Industry at a High Cost

Following the expiry of a United Nations arms embargo on Iran in October 2020, it was widely speculated that the Iranian Air Force could begin to receive new fighter aircraft from abroad to replace the increasingly obsolete Vietnam War era American aircraft that continue to form the backbone of its

Russia Finally Deploys High End Battle Tanks to Ukraine: What the Advanced T-90M’s Presence Could Mean

Russia Finally Deploys High End Battle Tanks to Ukraine: What the Advanced T-90M’s Presence Could Mean

On April 26 the first footage emerged showing Russian T-90M battle tanks deployed beyond the country’s borders in Ukraine, marking a major development and providing a significant improvement over the capabilities of all prior Russian tanks used in the conflict. Aside from the next generation T-14

North Korea’s Newly Tested Hypersonic Glide Vehicles Displayed with Launchers at Nighttime Parade

North Korea’s Newly Tested Hypersonic Glide Vehicles Displayed with Launchers at Nighttime Parade

On April 25 a nighttime military parade in Pyongyang, North Korea, celebrated 90 years since the formation of the Korean People’s Army (KPA), which since 1948 has been the official armed forces of the country but previously operated as a resistance force to Japanese Imperial rule. The parade saw a range

Egyptian Order For 500 Russian T-90MS Tanks and License Production Proceeding Smoothly – Reports

Egyptian Order For 500 Russian T-90MS Tanks and License Production Proceeding Smoothly – Reports

Following reports in July 2020 that the Egyptian Defence Ministry had signed a contract to purchase 500 Russian T-90MS battle tanks, further reports have indicated that deal is set to go through with the vehicles to be produced in the African country under license. The T-90MS is the most capable variant of

China’s Navy Commissions Two New Type 055 Destroyers After Class Demonstrates Hypersonic Strike Capability

China’s Navy Commissions Two New Type 055 Destroyers After Class Demonstrates Hypersonic Strike Capability

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has commissioned two more Type 055 Class destroyers into service, brining the fleet size up to five with three more having been launched but not yet made operational. With no formal announcement of their commissioning having been made, the warships

Russia Test Fires First Ever Sarmat ‘Satan II’ Intercontinental Range Nuclear Missile as Standoff with NATO Intensifies

Russia Test Fires First Ever Sarmat ‘Satan II’ Intercontinental Range Nuclear Missile as Standoff with NATO Intensifies

On April 20 Russia test launched the Sarmat ground based intercontinental range ballistic missile (ICBM), which marked the first ever flight of the long anticipated weapon and saw it strike a target test range on the Kamchatka Peninsula nearly 6000km across Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on