Monthly Archives: July 2022

A New Look at the World’s First Twin Seat Fifth Gen. Fighter: China’s J-20AS Progressing Towards Joining the Fleet

A New Look at the World’s First Twin Seat Fifth Gen. Fighter: China’s J-20AS Progressing Towards Joining the Fleet

Following its unveiling in October 2021, the world’s first twin seat stealth fighter developed by China’s Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group has been widely reported to be moving towards entry into service in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force. The name of the new aircraft remains

End of an Icon: World’s Last Squadron of Mach 3+ Interceptors Retires as Algeria Reportedly Replaces its MiG-25s

End of an Icon: World’s Last Squadron of Mach 3+ Interceptors Retires as Algeria Reportedly Replaces its MiG-25s

The Algerian Air Force has reportedly retired its final squadron of MiG-25 Foxbat heavyweight interceptors, with the aircraft making their last fights during celebration of the country’s sixtieth independence anniversary. Fifteen of the aircraft were in service at the beginning of 2022 including 11

Russian Air Force Receives First Ever Su-34M Strike Jets: Specialised Variants to Perform Electronic Attack and Recon

Russian Air Force Receives First Ever Su-34M Strike Jets: Specialised Variants to Perform Electronic Attack and Recon

The Russian Air Force has received the first unit of new Su-34M strike fighters, little over two years after the first orders were placed in the final week of May 2020, with 76 expected to be delivered to the fleet by the end of the current State Armaments Plan. The Su-34 has been the most capable

Su-57 Fighter’s New ‘Anti Stealth’ Air to Air Missile Finishing Trials as its Combat Operations in Ukraine Continue

Su-57 Fighter’s New ‘Anti Stealth’ Air to Air Missile Finishing Trials as its Combat Operations in Ukraine Continue

State trials for a new medium range air to air missile intended to equip Russian Air Force Su-57 fighter jets have reportedly entered their final stages, according to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, with the delivery of the first serial production units for operational service expected by the end

Five Years Ago This North Korean Missile Test May Have Saved East Asia From Nuclear War: Why the Hwasong-14 ICBM Matters

Five Years Ago This North Korean Missile Test May Have Saved East Asia From Nuclear War: Why the Hwasong-14 ICBM Matters

In over 70 years of war between North Korea and the United States, which marks history’s longest ever between two industrial powers, July 4 2017 marks a key turning point when the former for the first time demonstrated the capability to strike the mainland of the latter after test launching the

U.S. Congressional Study Suggests Offering F-35s or F-15s to Egypt if it Cancels Russian Su-35 Plans: Would Cairo Accept?

U.S. Congressional Study Suggests Offering F-35s or F-15s to Egypt if it Cancels Russian Su-35 Plans: Would Cairo Accept?

A June study by the Congressional Research Service prepared for the members and committees of the United States Congress has suggested the possibility of offering more advanced classes of fighter aircraft to the Egyptian Defence Ministry should Cairo pledge to refrain from acquiring Russian

Erdogan Claims Turkey Will Soon Have the World’s Strongest Military: Here’s Why That Won’t Happen

Erdogan Claims Turkey Will Soon Have the World’s Strongest Military: Here’s Why That Won’t Happen

Turkey’s National Defense University in Istanbul, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on July 2 pledged that the country would soon field the world’s “number one” armed forces in the world. “In the construction of a great and powerful Turkey… there is no threat that the army cannot overcome on land, at

Chinese Air Group Simulates Striking Aircraft Carriers Near Taiwan: J-16, J-11B, Su-30 and H-6 Combat Jets Involved

Chinese Air Group Simulates Striking Aircraft Carriers Near Taiwan: J-16, J-11B, Su-30 and H-6 Combat Jets Involved

On June 29 it was reported by multiple sources that 29 fighters from the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) had eight days prior launched a major simulated strike demonstrating their ability to neutralise enemy aircraft carriers near the Taiwan Strait. This occurred amid growing tensions